What is PMS?

What is PMS?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) causes psychological and physical complaints. These symptoms vary from person to person. Some people suffer from PMS and others do not. And one person has a few unpleasant symptoms and the other has PMS that disrupts his or her daily functioning. The symptoms often start in the 3rd week of the cycle and disappear again when you have your period.

Chocolate and PMS?

“I am so hungry for chocolate when I have my period, why is this?” Chocolate works wonders in many women (and men) anyway, but there is certainly a connection between your period and chocolate. Because your estrogen and progesterone levels become unbalanced, serotonin (the substance that makes you feel happy) can decrease. Chocolate can temporarily replenish this substance.

What is the cause of PMS?

The exact cause of PMS has not yet been proven but there are strong suspicions that hormones play a role in this. Most women get complaints the week before their period but this can even start 2 weeks before the new period! So it’s not weird at all, just annoying or even

Will I also be affected by PMS?

PMS symptoms often start after the age of 30 and after having children. PMS is less common in younger women. It is estimated that about 4% of women between the ages of 15 and 45 suffer from PMS symptoms.

How do you prevent PMS?

Unfortunately, PMS cannot be prevented. However, there are possibilities to reduce your symptoms. For example, you can make sure you eat healthily. Take care of yourself and keep moving. Sport has a positive effect on PMS complaints.